Редактор: Барбара Морган Все авторы In this volume editors are pleased to present some of the most popular literary luminaries on the publishing scene today There's Rosamunde Pilcher, who follows hвбсбеer best sellers "The Shell Seekers and September" with "Coming Home", an enchanting novel of a young woman finding love on the eve of World War II Stargaze further and you'll find the internationally renowned author Dick Francis and his latest breaвнеэуkneck mystery "Come to Grief" Delight also in "That Camden Summer" by LaVyrle Spencer, a well-loved author whose books inevitably hit best-seller lists across the country And — bearing in mind that new stars emerge every day—meet Robert Somerlott, whose unforgettable novel "Blaze" has earned him praise around the world Top authors, writing at the peak of their talents A stellar collection for you valued readers! Содержание Розамунда Пилчер Дивтвглк Фрэнсис LaVyrle Spencer Robert Somerlott Авторы (показать всех авторов) Розамунда Пилчер Rosamunde Pilcher Дик Фрэнсис Dick Francis Ричард Стенли Френсис родился в 1920 Его судьба была определена в тот момент, когда родители приобрели в собственность небольшую конюшню В годы Второй мировой войны Френсис был военным летчиком, в 1948-1957 гг - профессиональный жокей Королевских LaVyrle Spencer.